Sunday, January 11, 2015

Observation Post 4 and 5 Qtr 2

January 7 2015
    I received a celestial alert notification on My Facebook from My astronomy teacher so I decided to take heed. Around 6pm I grabbed my binoculars and headed outside. I observe the stars in the road ( don't try this at home) because there are too many trees in my yard. It was amazing being able to see Venus and Mercury. Its weird to know they are so far away yet look so close when viewing them. Almost like they are touching. But in reality that is just due to parallax.  I was also able to observe the Iridium flare for a bit.

January 8 2015

I was able to observe Jupiter and the constellation Orion. I went out around 830 and stayed for an hour. The sky was slightly cloudy

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