Friday, January 16, 2015

APOD 3.1

I am going to start off this new quarter and new semester talking about the end of the world. This is quite an attention grabbing topic for many people and has caused many shows and movies to become popular. Shows such as the Walking Dead that play at themes of an apocalyptic world where zombies have taken over is one example. An apocalyptic view seen in this photograph is of two stars combining and then creating a large explosion known as a supernova. Fortunately this only happens in a cataclysmic variable binary star system. In this case gas is falling onto an accretion disk. If that disk heats up to a certain temperature then the gas falls on to the white dwarf star.If the gas passes the white dwarf stars Chandrasekhar limit then a supernova will occur. At this point hiding under a desk will no do much because the supernova is a huge explosion. 

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

1 comment:

  1. Luckily we do not live in a cataclysmic variable binary star system.
