Friday, December 19, 2014

APOD 2.7

Living on Earth for so long I have become accustomed to something that is very vital to survival. Nobody really things each day a bout gravity and how it shapes the lives of each living thing on earth. Without gravity life wouldn't be possible because everyone would float away. Each planet has gravity which affects the solar system in different ways. The amount of gravity per planet is different on different factors such as size density and other things. This picture was taken from the GRACE and CHAMP satellites. A current research facility in Potsdam, Germany is examining the gravitational field of Earth. This is a very neat photo based on the Gravitational field and shows that the gravity differs in one area from the next. This is a very interesting discovery and is not currently known why that happens. The picture is also called the Potsdam Gravity potato. 

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

1 comment:

  1. I see why it is called a potato. The Earth looks like one giant colorful potato in the picture taken by the German satellite.
