Friday, December 5, 2014

APOD 2.5

This appears to be a  beautiful picture of what almost looks like a seahorse in a crystal clear ocean. But in reality it is located near the tarantula nebula. The large dark gassy cloud is all dust. This is called a large Magellanic cloud. A star cluster is currently being formed , already named by NASA as NGC 2074. The center of the star cluster is visible where the head of the "seahorse" would be located at. This picture was taken from the Hubble Telescope in honor of Hubble's 100,000th trip around the earth. If the dust cloud is in the way of this beautiful view, do not fret, in a few million years the winds and light will wear it away.
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

1 comment:

  1. That dust cloud does look like a seahorse...Also I would have never guessed that it was dust.
