Friday, October 31, 2014

APOD 2.1

Tonight is Halloween! So I decided to choose a picture that matches the mood for tonight. Below is a picture of the sun, however there are many different, exciting and maybe even spooky things that are happening. This picture could almost be used as the begging of a horror story. First is a plane that is flying through the clouds. This was purely by chance but still adds to the effect of the picture. Then the clouds and atmosphere tend to give a spooky mood. They are mysteriously drifting in front of the sun, the same kind of sky you would see in horror movies when the characters look up at the sky.  Next, there is also a partial solar eclipse happening at the top right corner of the sun where the moon is passing in front top corner of sun. This almost looks like a bite was taken out of the sun adding more to the effect. Next there are mysterious spots in the middle, of the sun right above the airplane. This is a current sunspot that is occurring called AR2192. This is one of the largest ever recorded and will last for a few more days. So while walking from house to house, take a look up, because the sky may have some tricks...or treats. 

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