Friday, October 17, 2014

APOD 1.8

Pictured below is a photo of Chongqing,China with what appears to be a Transformer shooting back into space, however its actually a lunar eclipse. This photo was taken a little over a week ago on October 8 2014.  This isn't what an actual lunar eclipse looks like. This photo is a collection of photos that were combined during a time interval. So looking at the smaller end of the tail, there is a dark red. This was the beginning of the eclipse and also is why the moon can sometimes be called the blood moon. Continuing along the tail the light gets less red and more yellow then white. This is because the moon is leaving the shadow and getting reflected upon once again.  The Yangtze river below in addition to the moon gives the city an essence of beautiful serenity.
See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
 the highest resolution version available.

1 comment:

  1. Very thought provoking APOD. I especially liked how you compared the moon rise to a transformer shooting into space.
