Friday, September 19, 2014

APOD 1.4

Have you ever wanted to live on a different planet? Maybe get away for awhile and see a whole new side of the universe. Well in this photo is four potential moons you could visit to do just that. Currently Astrobiologists are researching where potential habitable places places could be besides earth. This is very difficult as there are many requirements needed to sustain life. The Galileo's mission to Jupiter discovered Europa global waters and Ganymede's interior seas. The Cassini probe detected water on Enceladus and detected lakes of hydrocarbons on Titan. These planets still lack the necessary environment to completely sustain life as of right now but they are one step closer with the evidence of water. An interesting thing scientists are discovering is that there are far more moons that are potential candidates for being habitable compared to planets. So next time you feel that you need a break, try flying to Europa or Ganymede to get some space.

" Potentially Habitable Moons" NASA

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1 comment:

  1. Great analysis of the APOD. I especially love all of the intros that you use.
