Friday, May 15, 2015

APOD 4.8 : The Last APOD

This is unfortunately the last APOD ....but it is by fa my favorite. This was a picture taken on top of mount Mauna Kea. Towards the bottom horizon of the picture is the clouds. Rocks and plants are at the bottom of the picture showing the beauty of Hawaii. Mauna Loa is off in the distance. A green glow from excited molecules from the volcano can be seen in the distance. The milky way also is shown horizontally. 

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Friday, May 8, 2015

APOD 4.7

This is a photograph of the moon rising through the shadow of a volcano. The volcano is named Mauna Kea and is located in Hawaii. This is a popular spot for photographers since they encounter beautiful moon rises like this. This is a wonderful photo that exemplifies the beauty on earth combined with the beauty in the heavens. 

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Friday, May 1, 2015

APOD 4.6

This picture is of the international space station orbiting in front of the moon. The picture was photographed from Madrid, Spain. This is an interesting photo and must have been timed perfectly since it only took half a second for the ISS to orbit the moon. The rough terrain visible in the picture is called the Highlands and the smooth terrain is called the maria. The space stattion is not causing the shadow across the moon it just happens to be right in the middle of the light and dark line. The line is called the terminator. This picture shows how small the ISS is compared to our moon.  

 See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
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