Friday, February 27, 2015

APOD 3.6

In Scorpius there is a bright star named Antares ( which appears yellow) also seen in the picture below is the Pipe Nebula. At the bottom left corner of the picture winding its way around the star is a dark cloud that got the nickname " The dark river". Inside the cloud as we have learned in class are mainly hydrogen molecules and a few other molecules. Above Antares is Rho Ophiuchi which is a double star. The dark river is about 500 light years away.  Space can lead to all kinds of imagination.

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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Nathaniel Everett Green research links

McKim, R.J. "Nathaniel Everett Green: Artist and Astronomer." Journal of the British Astronomical Association 1st ser. 114.1 (2004): 13-23. Journal of the British Astronomical Association. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.

Sheehan, William. "The Planet Mars: A History of Observation and Discovery." The Planet Mars. University of Arizona, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2015.

Friday, February 20, 2015

APOD 3.5

 Ever thought the sun could look like a flower? Capturing red light from the suns chromosphere, and then inverting the color astronomers were able to make this rosy picture. The  petal shaped areas are called fibrils while the larger shapes are called spicules. This was taken in October 2014 when the sun was experiencing high peaks in electromagnetic activity. Some of these fibrils span past the diameter of earth which is amazing.

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Friday, February 13, 2015

APOD 3.4

This photo was taken on Jokulsaron  beach in Iceland. The Ice at the bottom of picture shows how fitting the name is. The full moon reflects off the ice which gives a glowing, sparkling image at the bottom of the picture. The halo around the moon is caused by ice particles refracting the moon light. Jupiter can be seen to the left. A restless magnetosphere and solar winds cause the aurora in the top of the photo. A very calm picture that reflects the beauty of earth and space. 

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Thursday, February 12, 2015

Star Formation Links
       This is a video about the star forming region Sh2-106 , this was featured on Hubblecast and gives a great visual

Friday, February 6, 2015

APOD 3.3

Pictured above is the M104 galaxy. The galaxy is appropriately named the Sombrero galaxy for its appearance. The galaxy is made up of cosmic dust, and has a broad ring and then dust lanes which make it seem like a sombrero. This image was processed from the Hubble space telescope and the ground based Subaru data to create this image. The galaxy is believed to hold a black hole. The galaxy is 50,000 light years across and 28 million light years from earth. It resides in the Virgo galaxy cluster and is one of the largest inside of the cluster.  Its quite fascinating how the galaxy resembles a sombrero. 

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

APOD 3.2

Ever wonder what one of the workstations look like from inside the International Space Station? On January 4 this Picture was taken inside the Earth facing cupola of the International Space station. This station comes with  a Computer with a camera, flashy buttons , and a spectacular view of earth. This workstation has Canadarm2 which is used for grappling cargo vehicles. The robotic arm can be seen outside the window to the right. It also assists astronauts while spacewalking. That is one dangerous job but the view is totally worth it! 

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