Friday, November 21, 2014

APOD 2.4

No, this is not a landscape shot of Manhattan island. This is actually a super small snapshot of the sky using an observatory and camera. The picture corresponds to about 2 degrees in length which is very small considering there are thousands of stars in this picture.The little nebula is LDN 988. This nebula is about 2000 light years away from us here on earth. This little nebula has a star being formed inside of it called V1331 Cygni. It looks so small from here yet its actually a massive star even in early years of formation. Its believed that the star is a T Tuari star which means its young and in early stage of formation. This is just two degrees out of the whole 360. Just imagine how many stars there are.

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Friday, November 14, 2014

APOD 2.3

      November 12 2014 was a very exciting day in astronomical history. On that day humanity made its first attempt to land a probe on a comet. The probe's name was Philae. It was attached to the Rosetta space craft, once dislodging from the space craft it would land on the moon and then harpoon itself down. However the philae experienced some technical difficulties while landing and landed on its side. This could end up ruining the mission since now the spacecraft is not getting enough light for its batteries that it needs. This probe contains the most recent advancement in technology. It contains tools able to measure for organic materials. Has cameras that can send back footage of the comet. Has tools to measure the magnetic field around the comet. There is a gas analyzer inside the probe as well. Hopefully the probe is able to fix its position and receive more sunlight so it can take advantage of these awesome tools and measuring instruments.
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Friday, November 7, 2014

APOD 2.2

Raise your hands in the air like you just don't care! This photo shows a hiker reaching the top of Autnesfjorden Ford near the town Svolvear in Norway. Climbing a mountain is quite an accomplishment, people train their whole lives in order to accomplish such a feat. Imagine the reward when you reach the top and not only is there this small town with dazzling lights below you but you can look up and almost touch the aurora. This photo was taken in early march of this year. The sun is approaching its maximum surface activity in the magnetic cycle, which happens every 11 years. This causes spectacular light shows in the sky! So next time you decide to climb a mountain , or at least go outside,  look up. You might be surprised.

See Explanation.  Clicking on the picture will download
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Sunday, November 2, 2014

Great World Wide Star count

 I decided to participate in the Great World Wide Star count on October 31 while handing out candy. The magnitude was about a 4 because I live in a neighborhood where they fall asleep. I was looking for Cygnus the swan and found it. Some of the neighbors were also participating in the study and we observed together. This was a very interesting activity and I would enjoy participating again.